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 The Corner

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Posts : 23
Age : 35
Registration date : 2008-11-29

The Corner Empty
PostSubject: The Corner   The Corner I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 29, 2008 5:23 am

The Corner 501991 meh again.. gonna steal this here corner and grace you all with my fantastic bard skills and tell you all some stories, sing a few songs and maybe a poem or two... The Corner 943344 The Corner 266122

The enD

Water dripped through the ceiling. Splashing on the floor with an annoying ping. The only thing worse was the constant scratching and moaning outside. I was only one target, but they were determined to get me.

I had originally built this house for such an event. Steel reinforced concrete walls would hold up against an army of zombies for a while. Or at least I hoped so.

There were two, maybe three zombies the last time I was able to check. A storm had destroyed the power lines. Cutting me off from the outside world. Great gusts of wind ripped trees out of the ground and took out part of my second floor. Allowing the rain and moaning to enter.

I went up the stairs to look outside. Thirteen zombies could be seen from my vantage point. Five or six more trapped on the other side of the fence. I had run out of ammunition taking out the occasional bandit and rouge zed. All I had left was my scythe, machete and a few days of provisions.

On my way back down there stairs I had an idea. I ran down the remaining stairs and into my front room. I then picked up my machete and strapped it to my belt. Then grabbing my scythe I ran back up the stairs. Walking over to the edge, I whistled.

Instantly the zombies converged on my spot. Several more coming from around the corner. They tried climbing the wall to get me, but it had been worn smooth by wind and rain. I looked down and laughed. Laughed to the point of tears.

Rain started to fall again. The water would wash away any remains. So I grabbed my scythe near the base. Standing by the edge and looking down, I raised my scythe. I chose my target and let my arm fall, bringing the scythe down in an arc. The blade went through the zombies' skull. Disabling the undead menace.

I repeated the process three more times. On my fifth swing my scythe became trapped in the zombies' skull. I panicked and gripped my scythe tighter. I pulled up, trying to free my weapon. I felt something pull the opposite direction and released my grip.

But there was enough force in that initial jerk to set me off balance. I fell off the edge, barely able to roll away from the zombies as I landed. I jumped up and unhooked my machete. But there were to many zombies for me to fight on the ground.

I turned around and ran for the damaged fence. A zombie was stuck in the torn links. Blocking my only way out. I cut off its snapping head and kicked it away. I then proceeded to cut away the rest as quickly as I could.

But before I could get through, cold hands took hold of me. Pulling me away from the fence. Rotting teeth sank into my flesh. Searing pain shot through my body. But it didn't last long. In a matter of seconds my body was torn apart by the living dead.

The enD

yeah.. I had to start with a zombeh story. The Corner 273794
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Posts : 192
Age : 35
Location : Canada, Saskachewan
User Message : Blah. :P
Registration date : 2008-10-15

The Corner Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Corner   The Corner I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 02, 2008 3:20 pm

Hey, that was pretty good. The Corner 251683

Nice one. The Corner 101439
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Posts : 724
Age : 34
Location : California
Registration date : 2008-10-14

The Corner Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Corner   The Corner I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 03, 2008 9:50 am

Not bad! Looking forward to more stories C:
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Posts : 23
Age : 35
Registration date : 2008-11-29

The Corner Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Corner   The Corner I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 04, 2008 4:44 am

most of meh stories are in first person so deal with it.

Shadowed Mist.

The shadows covered most of the ground I walked on. It was late in the day. Almost twilight. The birds had stopped their cheerful singing and a strange mist creped over the lawns.

I was going to be busy tonight. The moon would be full and the mist would last till late in the morning. A perfect night. I have to few of them.

Most of the houses here have lights on their garage. With little sensors that turned them on when it became dark enough. I wouldn't have to worry about that tonight. The moon alone would keep them off.

A cat ran by me and a dog barked in someone's backyard. Lights in some houses were being extinguished as their owners went to their rooms for an early night. While other stayed up.

The sky was a gray color as the last of the suns rays diminished. I found myself in the neighborhood park. I still had a few hours before it was time, so I went over to the benches and sat down. Listening to the cool breeze and the birds sing their nightly lullabies. I could feel it stealing over me.

I wake up two maybe three hours later slightly drenched from the shadowy mist. I could see the moon. Almost to its highest point. My time was almost here.

I loosened the fastening of my cloak and released the latches on my daggers that kept them from moving around as I ran. I pulled my hood over my head and began to walk back down the street.

No lights were on in the few houses that lined this street. It was nearing midnight so most had gone to bed. I saw the house I was looking for, on the second floor in the second to last room to the left was my target.

I drew forth my daggers and walked up to the house. No sound came from within. Hopefully my target was home. I gently placed my hand on the handle of the door. It wasn't locked. No one here locked their doors.

I crept into the house. Moon light streamed in through windows, lighting my way. I walked up the front stair case. I followed the hallway to my targets room. I stopped in front of his door. I griped the blade in my left and tighter. Put my right hand on the door knob. I pushed on the door. A slight squeak escaped the hinges of the door.

I stepped into his room. I slowed my breathing down and quickened my pace just a little. I walked over to his bed. My target was lying on his stomach. His face looking the other way. Who could have asked for a better situation. I took the blade in my right hand and gently placed it against the weak spot on the back of his skull. My other blade resting against his bare throat.

A muscle in my right arm twitched. Bumping the dagger against his head. His eyes flared open and he began to scream. But before he could make a sound his throat had been slit.

His blood flowed freely from the wound. Very little was on my blade. I wiped what blood there was on the bed sheets. I placed my daggers back into their sheeths, latching then in so they wouldn't make noise. I refastened my cloak and adjusted my hood. I then left my room. Closing the door as I exited.

Upon reaching the front door I heard a small noise. I turned around. There at the end of the hall stood a wide eyed little girl. "Go on back to bed little one." I say gently. "My work here is done. You have nothing to fear."

The enD
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Posts : 23
Age : 35
Registration date : 2008-11-29

The Corner Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Corner   The Corner I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 04, 2008 4:45 am

A friend of mine wanted to know the gurls point of view from that story.. or something like it.. so of corse I wrtoe it..

Acolyte of Death

She sat in her room reading one of her little books. It was late at night and she should have been in bed. But even at the young age of 7, she was an insomniac.

Her parents didn't know she was up so late. She would just sit in her room and read her books. And imagine what life would be like in them. Doing this every night until sleep laid its cool fingers over her.

But this night would be different. For a strange mist covered the ground. The girl sat in front of her window and stared into the moonlit mist. Imagining little trolls and fairies hiding in it.

She did so for many hours. Entertaining herself with fantastic images. But like every night she began to get tired. She went and lied down upon her small pink bed. And as she went to turn off her little table lamp, she heard a noise from above.

Crawling out of bed and tip toeing over to her door, she wondered what it was. She left her room quietly and began to walk down the hall/ reaching the end of the hall, she gasped. Because standing in the open door with mist swirling around his feet was a man. A man she would later describe as the acolyte of death.

He had heard her gasp and turned around. She could see into the black hood and into his eyes. Eyes that were cold and blue like winter ice. But with just a quick look they became warmer. And with a slight smile the man spoke softly. "Go on back to bed little one. My work here is done. You have nothing to fear." And walked out into the shadowed mist.

The enD
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Posts : 23
Age : 35
Registration date : 2008-11-29

The Corner Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Corner   The Corner I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 04, 2008 4:46 am

:D and now for a poem..

Shattered Rhyme

I walk the darkened paths of my mind,
Looking for whatever I may find.
Hoping that its the answer to my question,
Always hoping for the best but expecting the rejection.
Leaving everything in my searching wake,
Hoping that all doesn't brake.
The bonds and ties that hold my mind together,
That are as thin as silvery feather.
That shines in a hidden light,
While I prepare for this forbidden fight.
Against the shadowed dark,
Of my lovely crystal mark.
From the girl I wish was mine,
Upon this graying line.
Condemning my tormented life,
To this horrid ring of strife.
Hiding in the corridors of me,
Letting all thoughs who want to see,
their most twisted fears,
Coming true through the years.
Of living in a demented time,
Crossing through this shatter rhyme.
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Posts : 724
Age : 34
Location : California
Registration date : 2008-10-14

The Corner Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Corner   The Corner I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 04, 2008 5:39 am

Wow you must be really bored >.<
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Posts : 23
Age : 35
Registration date : 2008-11-29

The Corner Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Corner   The Corner I_icon_minitimeThu Dec 04, 2008 4:43 pm

:D i wrote those during school.. so they are old..
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The Corner Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Corner   The Corner I_icon_minitime

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